WOW! Club headed out into the school grounds this week, armed with my digital camera... we were looking for signs that spring was on its way and I wanted them to see if they could take a photo as evidence. We will do the same in a couple of weeks and see how everything has moved on. We took it in turns to use the camera.
We started off in our Wildlife area where our pond is.... the crocuses are flowering and the daffodils are just in bud....
We looked in the pond, but were disappointed that there were no frogs or frogspawn to be seen...
We did see a male pheasant in the field next to our Wildlife Area though....
We then headed out to the field and took pictures of lots of signs that the plant life is bursting forth... it won't be long before the bare branches are covered in fresh new growth... there was lots to see...
We turned over some logs in the outdoor classroom and found a worm and a centipede....
and found a bumble bee taking advantage of the first nectar....
We returned inside to see how our potatoes were doing... we had set them to chit. We can already see some tiny sprouts and we will be planting these up very soon...
We had a bout 20 minutes left to carry on with out Arkive presentations on endangered animals. Arkive had written a special blog post all about the pinwheel snail especially for Hannah as they heard she was really interested in this very rare snail! Here she is taking a look... she was delighted :o)
... and here are the 'Koala' group practising their dance.... it starts off on the floor!!
Finally, just as we were about to go home, we saw a beautiful male pheasant right under our bird table! We all rushed to the window... a bit too fast and scared it away. We managed to get a shot of it going out of a hole in the fence.
Another busy week at WOW! Club!